February Bulletin: Preparing Your Home for the Spring Market

This is my February Bulletin sent out to my clients last week:

Are you ready for spring? Spring time means the beginning of the housing market high season. Some homeowners will face the challenge of getting their home ready to go on the market, or taking steps to be ready when the time comes.

It’s time for painting, cleaning and general makeover, and all done to a precise timetable. Sounds daunting? It can be overwhelming, but I have some pointers that will help.

Preparation Checklist

Getting your home attractive enough for top dollar can be a huge task. To show your home you have to organize and thin down your closets, your furniture and possessions. You may have to rent storage to strip the home of most of its personal effects. You have to allow potential buyers to be able to see themselves in your home, and they can’t do this with your clutter in the way.

I have a list of items that I’ve developed over 25 years of working with homes and owning my own. It’s a big list, with over 100 checkpoints to cover, but if you’re thinking of going to market, or if you would like to know in advance what bases to cover if you ever do, then this is the list for you.

This is part of an entire series of articles on the Selling Process that I’ve written in order to help my clients go through the market process with the best advantages for success.

If you’d like me to send you this checklist, called Preparing Your House for the Market, please call me at (727) 289-3289 or email me

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